Google Sheets Training

Google Sheets Training


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Google Sheets Training
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Sheets Fundamentals
Create Spreadsheets

How to Create Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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Open a Spreadsheet

How to Open a Spreadsheet in Google Sheets

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Navigate Spreadsheets

How to Navigate Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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File Management

How to Manage Google Sheets Files

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Print Spreadsheets

How to Print Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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Get Help

How to Get Help in Google Sheets

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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Edit Spreadsheets
Select Cells and Ranges

How to Select Cells and Ranges in Google Sheets

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Edit Cell Data

How to Edit Cell Data in Google Sheets

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Cut, Copy, and Paste Data

How to Cut, Copy and Paste Data in Google Sheets

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Undo, Redo, and Repeat

How to Undo, Redo, and Repeat in Google Sheets

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Use Paste Special

How to Use Paste Special in Google Sheets

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Insert and Move Cells

How to Insert and Move Cells in Google Sheets

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Delete Cells

How to Delete Cells in Google Sheets

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Hide Rows and Columns

How to Hide Rows and Columns in Google Sheets

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Find and Replace Text

How to Find and Replace Text in Google Sheets

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Check Spelling

How to Check Spelling in Google Sheets

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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Format Spreadsheets
Format Text

How to Format Text in Google Sheets

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Align and Merge Cells

How to Align and Merge Cells in Google Sheets

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Cell Borders and Background Colors

How to Format Cell Borders and Background Colors in Google Sheets

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Format Numbers and Dates

How to Format Numbers and Dates in Google Sheets

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Adjust Row Height and Column Width

How to Adjust Row Height and Column Width in Google Sheets

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Freeze Rows and Columns

How to Freeze Rows and Columns in Google Sheets

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Copy Formatting

How to Copy Formatting in Google Sheets

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Apply Conditional Formatting

How to Apply Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets

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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Formulas and Functions
Formula Basics

Formula Basics in Google Sheets

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How to Use Autofill in Google Sheets

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Sums and Averages

How to Calculate Sums and Averages in Google Sheets

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How to Use the MIN and MAX Functions in Google Sheets

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How to Use the COUNT Function in Google Sheets

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Insert Functions

How to Insert Functions in Google Sheets

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Absolute and Relative Cell References

How to Use Absolute and Relative Cell References in Google Sheets

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Cell Range Names

How to Name a Cell Range in Google Sheets

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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Manage Sheets and Data
Insert, Rename, and Delete Sheets

How to Insert, Rename, and Delete Sheets in Google Sheets

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Duplicate, Move, and Hide Sheets

How to Duplicate, Move, and Hide Sheets in Google Sheets

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Sort Data

How to Sort Data in Google Sheets

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Filter Data

How to Filter Data in Google Sheets

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Data Validation

How to Use Data Validation in Google Sheets

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Protect Spreadsheets

How to Protect Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Insert Objects
Insert a Chart

How to Insert a Chart in Google Sheets

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Customize a Chart

How to Customize a Chart in Google Sheets

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Insert Images

How to Insert Images in Google Sheets

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Insert Links

How to Insert Links in Google Sheets

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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Share, Collaborate, and Convert
Upload and Convert Spreadsheets

How to Upload and Convert Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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Download and Email Spreadsheets

How to Download and Email Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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Share Spreadsheets

How to Share Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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How to Collaborate in Google Sheets

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Work with Versions

How to Work with Versions in Google Sheets

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How to Install Add-Ons in Google Sheets

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