Navigate Spreadsheets

How to Navigate Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

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Navigate Spreadsheets

A Google Sheets spreadsheet can have up to 5 million cells. Fortunately, very few need to be this big, but knowing how to navigate through a spreadsheet is another critical Sheets topic you'll need to know before you can master Sheets. This lesson explains the most common ways to navigate a Sheets spreadsheet.

Select a Cell

  1. Select a single cell by using:
    • The Mouse: Click any cell with the cross pointer.
    • The Keyboard: Move the cell pointer using your keyboard's arrow keys.
    Select a Cell

To help you know where you are in a spreadsheet, Sheets displays row headings, identified by numbers, on the left side of the worksheet, and column headings, identified by letters, at the top of the spreadsheet. Each cell in a spreadsheet has its own cell address made from its column letter and row number such as cell A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.

Navigate Between Cells and Pages

Sheets has several shortcuts that make it fast to get around your spreadsheets; they're included in this table:

Press To Move
? or Enter Down one row and/or confirm cell changes
? or Shift + Enter Up one row
? or Tab Right one column and/or confirm cell changes
? or Shift + Tab Left one column
Home To column A in the current row
Ctrl + Home To the first cell (A1) in the worksheet
Ctrl + End To the last cell with data in the worksheet
Page Up Up one screen
Page Down Down one screen
Ctrl + G Opens the Find dialog box where you can search for specific data

Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to scroll up/down or left/right.

Navigate Between Sheets

  1. Click the sheet you want to view. Select a Cell