Find and Replace Text

How to Find and Replace Text in Google Sheets

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Find and Replace Text

Sometimes you'll have a word or number you need to find somewhere in your spreadsheet, but you're not sure where it is. Luckily, you can search a spreadsheet using the Find feature.

Find Text

The Find feature makes it very easy to find specific words and values in a spreadsheet.

  1. Click Edit on the menu bar.
  2. Select Find and Replace.
    Find and Replace Text

    Press Ctrl + F.

  3. Enter a search phrase in the Find field.
  4. Click Find.

    The first instance of the search phrase is selected.

    Click Find again to highlight the next instance and continue moving through the spreadsheet.

  5. Click Done when you're finished.
    Find and Replace Text

Find and Replace Text

If you have a word that appears throughout a spreadsheet that needs to be replaced, you don't have to go cell-by-cell updating it.

  1. Click Edit on the menu bar.
  2. Select Find and Replace.
    Find and Replace Text

    Press Ctrl + H.

  3. Enter a search phrase in the Find field.
  4. Enter a replacement phrase in the Replace with field.
  5. (Optional) Customize search settings.

    Here, you can choose which sheets to search in your spreadsheet.

    Other options include matching the case of a search, or matching the entire contents of a cell.

  6. Click Find.
    Find and Replace Text
  7. Click Replace or Replace all.
  8. Click Done.
    Find and Replace Text