Command Controls | CustomGuide

Command Controls

How to Use Command Controls in Windows 10

Command Controls

Apps and programs contain several common elements besides the ribbon and commands. These elements may appear on the ribbon by expanding a command group, or within a dialog box found by clicking the different tabs. Now you'll learn about the different elements.

Option Buttons

With option buttons, you can select one option out of a group of options. Options appear in the form of radio buttons and can be found in command and folder options.

  1. Select an option.
    Command Controls.

    Only one option in a group can be selected at a time.

Check Boxes

Check boxes are similar to option buttons, except you can select more than one option in a group at a time. You can also find check boxes in command and folder options.

  1. Turn an option on or off by selecting, or deselecting, a check box.
    Command Controls.

List Boxes

A list of options appears in a list box with the selected option highlighted. Many list boxes are long so they require a scroll bar. Font options is a good example of a list box.

  1. Scroll up or down through list, and then select the desired option.
    Command Controls.

    You can also type an option in the field, and then press Enter.


A slider allows you to set an option from a minimum to a maximum value. Adjusting your computer's volume is a good example of a slider.

  1. Click and drag a slider to the desired setting.
    Command Controls.

Drop-down Menus

A drop-down menu is a list of options that appear after you click the list arrow button to view it. You can find many drop-down menus on the ribbon of various apps and programs.

  1. Click the list arrow button to view the menu options.
  2. Select an option.
    Command Controls.