Use Team Channels | CustomGuide

Use Team Channels

How to Use Team Channels in Microsoft Teams

Use Team Channels

Channels are where you communicate with your team members. Each channel within a team is for a specific task or topic within that team's scope. Each team includes a General channel, where you can chat with your team members about general topics that are outside of the purpose of other channels.

View a Team Channel

Every channel in a team will be listed in the Teams list pane below the team’s name.

  1. Click a channel in the list pane.
    Use Team Channels

The conversation threads in that channel will appear in the Content pane.

Start a Channel Conversation

Unlike a chat, which is a single thread of discussion, a channel can have multiple conversations going on at once. The first message in a conversation begins a thread that everyone else can reply to.

  1. Click in the conversation text field at the bottom of the Content pane.
  2. Enter a message.

    When using channels, you're also able to tag (or mention) other people in a message. This sends them a notification, letting them know that they need to see this message. You can mention someone by typing the @ symbol, followed by their name.

  3. Click Send.
    Use Team Channels

The new conversation thread is added to the channel, and everyone in the team can view it and reply to it.

Reply to a Channel Conversation

You can respond directly to a specific thread to keep all dialog about that topic together. This helps keep vibrant conversations, with several participants and various topics, organized and in context.

  1. Click a conversation's Reply button.
    Use Team Channels
  2. Enter a message in the reply text field.
  3. Click Send.
    Use Team Channels

The reply is added to the conversation thread, and notifications will be sent to everyone else participating in that conversation.

Manage Channel Notifications

By default, you'll get notified whenever someone replies to a conversation you're involved in, or one that you started. If a particular channel is very important to you, you can choose to get notifications whenever there's any activity in it.

  1. Click the More Options button next to the channel's name in the List pane.
  2. Select Channel notifications.
    Use Team Channels

    The Channel notification settings dialog box lets you customize the notification settings for all new posts, as well as channel mentions.

  3. Click an activity type's list arrow.
  4. Select a notification setting.
    • Banner and feed: Notifications will display in a pop-up banner, as well as in your Activity feed.
    • Only show in feed: Notifications will appear in your Activity feed but won’t pop up on the screen.
    • Off: No notifications will appear for this activity.
    • Use Team Channels
  5. (Optional) Click the Include all replies check box.

    This setting will enable notifications for all replies to all posts in a channel. This may result in a lot of notifications, depending on how active the channel is.

  6. Click Save.
    Use Team Channels

Your notification settings for the channel are updated.

Create a New Channel

A team can have any number of channels, so if you have been granted the proper permission, you can add new ones when they’re needed.

  1. Click the More Options button next to a team in the list pane.
  2. Select Add channel.
    Use Team Channels
  3. Enter a name for the channel.
  4. (Optional) Give the channel a description.
  5. Click Add.
    Use Team Channels

The channel is added and is available for everyone in the team to use.