How to Format Text in Excel

How to Apply Formatting to Text in Excel

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How to Format Text in Excel

A quick way to change the appearance of your spreadsheet is to change the font of the text. A font is a set of letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols designed around a shared appearance. A font will have variations for size and styles, such as bold and italics.

Change Fonts

Changing the font is a quick and simple way to enhance the appearance of your spreadsheet.

  1. Select the cells you want to format.
  2. Click the Font list arrow on the Home tab.

    When text is selected in a cell, you can also click the Font list arrow on the Mini Toolbar.

  3. Select the font you want to use.
    Change Fonts

Apply Bold, Italic, or an Underline

In addition to changing the font type, you can amplify your project using other features in the Font group such as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Click the Bold, Italic, or Underline buttons on the Home tab.
    Apply Bold, Italic, or an Underline

    • To bold, press Ctrl + B.
    • To italicize, press Ctrl + I.
    • To underline, press Ctrl + U.

    Click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Font group to see additional font formatting options. From the dialog box, you can change the underline style and add effects.

Change Font Size

Changing the font size can help differentiate between titles, headers, and body text.

  1. Select the cells you want to format.
  2. Click the Font Size list arrow.

    Font size is measured in points (pt.) that are 1/72 of an inch. The larger the number of points, the larger the font.

  3. Select the font size you want.
    Change Font Size

    Click the Increase Font Size or Decrease Font Size buttons on the Home tab to adjust the font size.

Change Font Color

Changing font color makes text stand out against the white background of the spreadsheet.

  1. Select the cells you want to format.
  2. Click the Font Color list arrow.

    When text is selected in a cell, you can also click the Font Color list arrow on the Mini Toolbar.

  3. Select a new color.
    Change Font Color

Format Part of a Cell

  1. Select the cell you want to format.
  2. In the formula bar, select the text you want to format.
  3. Select the text formatting you want to use.
  4. Press Enter.
    Format Part of a Cel