Access 2021 Basic

Access 2021 Basic


  • Interactive bite-sized lessons

  • Get Certified

  • Accurate skill assessments

  • Customizable, LMS-ready content

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4.9 out of 5 on G2

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Create a Database
Add, Edit, and Delete Records
Select Data
Cut, Copy, and Paste Data
Use Undo and Redo
Check Spelling
Use the Zoom Box
Preview and Print
Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Work with Data
Verified Learning
Find and Replace Data
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Create an Advanced Filter
Adjust Rows and Columns
Change Gridlines and Cell Effects
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Skill Pre-assess Lesson Post-assess Learning mode
Verified Learning
Create a Table
Understand Field Types and Properties
Index a Field
Add a Primary Key and Auto-Increment Fields
Insert, Reorder, and Delete Fields
Add Field Descriptions and Captions
Change the Field Size
Format Number, Currency, and Date/Time Fields
Format Text Fields
Set a Default Value
Require Data Entry
Validate Data
Create an Input Mask
Create a Lookup Field
Create a Value List
Modify a Lookup List
Add Total Rows