Clone and Close an Opportunity | CustomGuide

Clone and Close an Opportunity

How to Clone and Close an Opportunity in Salesforce

Clone and Close an Opportunity

If you create records that are similar to each other, you can use Salesforce's Clone feature to make a copy of the record and avoid some extra typing.

Clone a Record

  1. Open the record you want to copy.
    Clone a Record
  2. Click Clone.
    Clone a Record

    Before you save a copy of the new record, you can make changes to the existing data.

  3. Modify the fields, if necessary.
  4. Click Save.
    Clone a Record

A new, cloned record, based on the original, appears.

Close an Opportunity

Once you make a sale out of an opportunity you can close the opportunity.

  1. Find and open the opportunity you sold.
  2. Click Edit.
    Close an Opportunity
  3. Click the Stage list arrow and select Closed Won.
  4. Click Save.
    Close an Opportunity

Salesforce marks the Opportunity as Closed Won, and since it's closed it has a 100% Probability.