Quick Parts

How Create to Quick Parts in Outlook

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Quick Parts

If you have text or images that you use frequently in emails, save them as Quick Parts to avoid spending time recreating the same content over and over. Quick Parts are saved to a gallery and can be easily inserted whenever you need them.

Create a Quick Part

  1. Select the text or images you want to use as a Quick Part.
  2. Click the Insert tab.
  3. Expand the Text group, if necessary.
  4. Click Quick Parts.
  5. Select Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.
    Quick Parts

    The Create New Building Block dialog box appears.

  6. Give the Quick Part a name, category, and description.

    Saving to the Quick Parts gallery will store your new Quick Parts with any others you have created. Outlook saves them to the General Gallery by default but if you have a lot of Quick Parts, you can create your own categories to keep them all organized.

    Quick Parts are also saved to the default NormalEmail template, but if you have other email templates you use, you can save Quick Parts to those as well.

  7. Click OK.
    Quick Parts

The Quick Part is created and saved in the Quick Parts gallery.

Use a Quick Part

Once you’ve created some Quick Parts, you can insert one into any email made using the same template.

  1. While composing an email, click the Insert tab.
  2. Expand the Text group, if necessary.
  3. Click the Quick Parts button.

    This menu will display Quick Parts that you’ve added to the email template in use.

  4. Select a Quick Part.
    Quick Parts

The selected Quick Part is inserted.