Add Slide Numbers | CustomGuide

Add Slide Numbers

How to Add Slide Numbers in Google Slides

Add Slide Numbers

You may find it helpful to display slide numbers on your presentation so your audience has an easy way to reference a slide of interest.

Add Slide Numbers

  1. Click Insert on the menu bar.
  2. Select Slide numbers.
    Add Slide Numbers

    The Slide numbers dialog appears with some options.

  3. Select On, if necessary.
  4. (Optional) Click the Skip title slides check box.
  5. (Optional)Apply to selected or Apply.
    Add Slide Numbers

There you have it! Slide numbers are added to the bottom corner of each slide in the presentation, except the title slide, if omitted.

If slides are inserted, deleted, or re-sequenced, the numbering will automatically update.

Remove Slide Numbers

Removing slide numbers is just as simple.

  1. Click Insert on the menu bar.
  2. Select Slide numbers.
    Remove Slide Numbers
  3. Select Off.
  4. Click Apply.
    Remove Slide Numbers

Now the numbering has been removed from all the slides in the presentation.