Format Lists

How to Format Lists in Google Slides

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Format Lists

Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists

Use bulleted lists when the order of items in a list doesn't matter, such as listing items you need to buy. When the sequence of items in a list does matter, such as to present step-by-step instructions, use a numbered list instead.

  1. Select the text you want to turn into a list.
  2. Click the Numbered list or Bulleted list button.
    Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists

The text is formatted as a list.

Change List Style

Whether you're working with a numbered or bulleted list, you can change the style to better fit your presentation.

  1. Select the list.
  2. Click the Numbered list or Bulleted list list arrow.

    The menu shows several different bullet or numbering styles, as well as what they look like.

  3. Select a list style.
    Change List Style