Join & Leave a Meeting

How to Chat During a Google Meet Call

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Join & Leave a Meeting

When you've been invited to a meeting through Google Meet, it's easy to join. Every meeting is identified by a meeting code, which appears as part of the direct link to the meeting, and meetings meant only for within a Google Suite organization can also have a nickname. You can use either of these to join a meeting.

Join a Meeting

  1. Receive a meeting code or nickname.
    • Meeting nickname: Can be whatever the meeting organizer set it to be.
    • Meeting code: The ten letters, separated by dashes, at the end of the Joining Info URL.

    If given the full Joining Info URL, you can also just click the link to automatically join the meeting.

    Join a Meeting
  2. Visit and sign in with your Google account.
  3. Click Join or Start a Meeting.
    Join a Meeting
  4. Enter the meeting code or nickname.
  5. Click Continue.
    Join a Meeting

    The first time you join a meeting, your browser will ask permission to use your camera and microphone.

  6. Click Allow, if necessary.
    Join a Meeting

    Next, a preview of your camera appears, along with a small level meter for your microphone. Make sure that everything is working and that your camera is framed well.

  7. Click Ask to Join.
    Join a Meeting

You'll need to wait until someone already in the meeting admits you, but once that happens, you're brought into the meeting. The video feed for everyone else will appear and you'll be able to hear whoever is currently speaking.

Chat During a Meeting

In addition to speaking, you can also text chat during a meeting. This lets you chime in or ask a question while you're muted, or while someone else is talking.

  1. Click the Chat button in the upper right.
    Join a Meeting

    The Chat pane pops out, displaying all of the chat messages in the meeting so far.

  2. Type a message and click Send.
    Join a Meeting

    The message is sent out to everyone else in the meeting.

  3. Click outside the Chat pane to close it.

Leave a Meeting

When a meeting is over, or if you need to leave for another reason, you can leave it without closing the window entirely.

  1. Display the controls bar at the bottom of the screen by moving your mouse cursor.

    Whenever you move your mouse while in a meeting, a controls bar will appear at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Click the Leave call button.
    Join a Meeting

The meeting closes.

If you only needed to leave temporarily, or you left by accident, just click the Rejoin button. Otherwise, you can close the tab, or click Return to Home Screen to join or start another meeting.

Meeting Tips

There are a few things you can do to contribute to a successful meeting experience.

  • Prepare Your Space: Connect to a meeting from a quiet space with few distractions. If you’re going to be sharing your camera, check your background to make sure that there’s nothing that would distract others, and make sure that you’re in a well-lit location with the light in front of you, not behind you. If you’ll be sharing your screen, don’t have unnecessary windows or browser tabs open.
  • Mute Your Microphone: When you’re not talking, mute your own microphone so that any unexpected noises from your end don’t disrupt the meeting.
  • Use Headphones: When you hear an echo during a meeting, it’s because someone’s microphone is picking up the audio from their speakers and repeating it. Using headphones will prevent this feedback.
  • Test Your Camera and Microphone Ahead of Time: You can test both your camera and microphone before joining a meeting to make sure that both are working properly. This prevents you from delaying a meeting by troubleshooting your camera and microphone after joining.
  • Wires Over Wireless: Wired connections, for both your computer and audio devices, tend to be more reliable than wireless connections. Connect your computer via ethernet instead of Wi-Fi when possible, and use a headset that connects by USB or audio jack instead of Bluetooth.