Host a Meeting | CustomGuide

Host a Meeting

How to Host a Meeting in Google Meet

Host a Meeting

Hosting a meeting allows you to control several aspects of a meeting, more than you would be able to as a guest.

Host a Meeting

  1. Click the Join or start a meeting button.
    Host a Meeting

    Now either enter a new nickname for this meeting, or just leave the field blank to create a new meeting code.

    Nicknames will only work for meetings within your organization, although others will still be able to join by using a different code.

  2. Enter a meeting nickname (optional).
  3. Click Continue.
    Host a Meeting
  4. Give your browser permission to use the camera and microphone, if necessary.
    Host a Meeting
  5. Click the Join now button.
    Host a Meeting

    The nickname can be used by other people in your organization to join, while outside people will need to use the meeting link.

    You can also have people phone in, if necessary, using the phone number and PIN displayed here.

    The Add people option lets you invite people now, but you can also do this step later.

  6. Close the meeting info popup.
    Host a Meeting

The info popup closes, and you can see everyone else in the meeting (which will be just you, until other people join).

View Meeting Info

If you need to see the meeting details again later, in order to give the nickname, link, or dial-in information to someone new, you can display the meeting info popup again.

  1. Click the Meeting details button at the bottom left.
    Host a Meeting

The meeting info popup returns. Once you’ve copied what you need from it, you can close it again by clicking anywhere outside of the popup.

Click Copy joining info to quickly add the details to your clipboard.

Invite People

While you can send a meeting nickname or code to meeting invitees in several ways before a meeting starts, it’s also possible to send invitations from right within a meeting as it’s going on.

  1. Click the People button at the upper-right.
    Host a Meeting

    The People pane opens, showing everyone in the meeting.

  2. Click the Add people button.
    Host a Meeting

    The Add People popup appears, displaying a field to enter email addresses as well as some suggested invitees.

  3. Enter email addresses or select from suggested contacts.
  4. Click the Send email button.
    Host a Meeting

The email invitations are sent, containing a direct link to join the meeting.

Admit People

Before someone can join a meeting, they'll need to ask permission from the meeting host. When this happens, a popup will appear where, as host, you can deny them, or admit them.

  1. Click the Admit button when the popup appears.
    Host a Meeting

The guest is admitted into the meeting.?

Remove People

If you’re the meeting host (or a member of the same G Suite organization as the meeting host), you’re also able to remove guests from a meeting.

  1. Click a person in the People pane.
  2. Click the Remove button.
    Host a Meeting
  3. Click Remove.
    Host a Meeting

The selected person is removed from the meeting.