How to Share Google Docs | CustomGuide

How to Share Google Docs

How to Share Documents in Google Docs

How to Share Google Docs

It’s easy to share a document with other people from within Docs; for example, you can send a sharing invitation to colleagues that gives them access to view or edit the file.

Share a Document

  1. Click the Share button.
    Share Documents
  2. Enter the email address(es) for the people you want to share with.

    Sharing a document with someone else usually gives them editing priviliges.

  3. Click the Permissions list arrow.
  4. Select a permissions level.
    • Can edit: Anyone who has been invited to the document can make changes and share the file with others.
    • Can comment: Anyone who has been invited is able to make comments and suggestions but can’t make changes or share the file with others.
    • Can view: Anyone who has been invited is only able to view the document, not make changes or share the file with others.
  5. Click Send.
    Share Documents

An email invitation is sent, and the document is now added to the Google Drive of everyone you shared it with.

Change Share Settings

  1. Click the Share button.
    Share Documents
  2. Click Advanced.
    Share Documents

    Here you see a list of everyone the document is shared with, as well as their permissions.

  3. Click the permissions button for the person whose permissions you want to change.
  4. Select a permissions level.
    Share Documents
  5. Click Save changes.
    Share Documents
  6. Click Done.
    Share Documents

The Share settings are changed to the permissions level you specified.