Add a Vacation Response

How to Add a Vacation Response in Gmail

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Add a Vacation Response

If you're going to be unable to respond to email for a while, it's nice to let people who email you know. You can set a vacation response to automatically reply to messages while you're away, so that people who email you know not to expect a quick response.

Add a Vacation Response

  1. Click the Settings icon.
  2. Select Settings. Add a Vacation Response
  3. Click the Vacation responder on option button.

    The vacation responder is enabled, and now just needs to be configured.

  4. Click in the First day field.
  5. Select a start date. Add a Vacation Response

    Once the vacation responder has a start date, you can leave the end date open and turn it off manually. If you don’t want another thing to remember when you get back, you can enable an end date as well.

  6. Check the Last day checkbox.
  7. Click in the Last day field.
  8. Select an end date. Add a Vacation Response

    The vacation responder will automatically stop at the end of the selected last day.

  9. Enter a reply email subject and message.

    After the email subject and body are set, you can choose to restrict who will get an automatic response.

  10. Check the Only send a response to people in my contacts checkbox or the Only send a response to people in [my organization] checkbox. (optional).
  11. Click Save Changes. Add a Vacation Response

The vacation responder is set. While you're away, anyone that emails you (if in your contacts or organization, if you specified so), will get the automated response, letting them know when you'll be back.