Use Transitions

How to Use Transitions in Adobe Captivate

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Use Transitions

You can add transitions to objects and slides so that, when they appear, they'll do more than just pop in.

Apply an Object Animation

  1. Select an object.
  2. Click the Timing properties panel tab.
  3. Click the Transition menu arrow.
  4. Select a transition.
    Apply an Object Animation
  5. For objects, the only transitions you can apply are fade in, fade out, or both.

  6. Adjust the transition timing using the In and Out fields.
    Apply an Object Animation

Apply a Slide Transition

  1. Select a slide.
  2. Click the Transition menu arrow in the Timing properties panel.
  3. Select a transition.
    Apply a Slide Transition

The transition is applied. Unlike object transitions, slide transitions don't have timing properties that can be adjusted.

Remove a Transition

  1. Select an object or slide.
  2. Click the Transition menu arrow in the Timing properties panel.
  3. Select No Transition.
    Remove a Transition