Insert a Logo and Background Image

How to Insert a Logo and Background Image in Access

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Insert a Logo and Background Image

Adding your company’s logo to a report gives it a professional touch. You can easily insert the logo or background picture into a number of reports using the steps below.

  1. In Layout View, click the Design tab.
  2. Click the Logo button.

    The Insert Picture dialog box appears.

  3. Browse to locate the logo file and double-click it.
    Insert a Logo

The logo appears on the report.

Once you've added the logo, you can move it or resize it like any other field or control.

Insert a Background Image

  1. Browse to locate the logo file and double-click it.
  2. In Layout View, click the Format tab.
  3. Click the Change Background button.
    Insert a Background Image
  4. The Background Image menu displays a gallery of the images that you can use as your background image.

  5. Select an image from the Image Gallery or click Browse.
    Insert a Background Image
  6. Browse to locate the image and double-click it.

The background image is added to the report.