Freeze a Column

How to Freeze a Column in Access

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Freeze a Column

Most tables have so much information that it won’t all fit on the same screen. To overcome this problem, you can freeze a column. This allows you to compare the frozen column’s information with other columns that wouldn’t otherwise appear on the screen at the same time.

Freeze a Column

  1. Click the header for the column you want to freeze.
  2. Click the More button on the ribbon.
  3. Select Freeze Fields.
    Freeze a Column

The column is now frozen and is moved to the left side of the table. It will always remain visible as you scroll to the right to view the other fields in the table.

To freeze more than one column, freeze them individually. Or, select all the columns you want to freeze, right-click the field header area and select Freeze Fields.

Unfreeze a Column

  1. Click the header for the column you want to unfreeze.
  2. Click the More button on the ribbon.
  3. Select Unfreeze All Fields.
    Freeze a Column

Access unfreezes the column.

Once you unfreeze a column, you'll have to move it back to its original position, if desired. Or, simply choose not to save changes when you close the table—when you reopen it, the columns will be in their previous positions.