Find Duplicate Records | CustomGuide

Find Duplicate Records

How to Find Duplicate Records in Access

Find Duplicate Records

The Find Duplicates Query Wizard helps you find records that have the same value in one or more fields. So, when would you need to use a Find Duplicates query? Here are a couple of scenarios:

  • To search for duplicate values in an Orders table to find out which customers have placed more than one order.
  • To search for duplicate values in several fields to locate any data-entry errors. For example, if you and another user accidentally entered the same customers into a table, you could search for duplicate values in the LastName and FirstName fields to find and delete the duplicated records.
  1. Click the Create tab on the ribbon.
  2. Click the Query Wizard button.
     Find Duplicate Records

    The New Query dialog box appears, displaying different kinds of query wizards.

  3. Select Find Duplicates Query Wizard and click OK.
     Find Duplicate Records

    To change the options displayed in the list, click the Tables, Queries, or Both option in the View area.

    Next, choose the table or query that you want to sift through for duplicate records.

  4. Select the table or query you want to search and click Next.
     Find Duplicate Records

    Now you need to tell Access which field or fields might contain the duplicate information.

  5. Double-click the field(s) that may contain the duplicate values and click Next.
     Find Duplicate Records

    Next you can select any field (other than the ones you just specified as possible duplicates) that you want to be displayed in the query.

  6. Double-click any additional fields that you want to appear in the query results and click Next.
     Find Duplicate Records
  7. Give your query a name and click Finish.
    Find Duplicate Records

Access saves the query and displays its results.