Check Spelling

How to Check your Spelling in Access

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Check Spelling

Spelling mistakes can be embarrassing, so after you populate a database, it’s always a good idea to check for them.

  1. Click the Spelling button on the ribbon.
  2. Select one of the options from the Spelling dialog box:
    • Ignore Field: Accepts the spelling for that entire field (column) and moves on to the next spelling error. This is useful if, for example, the field contains proper names and you don’t want Access to check every name individually.
    • Ignore: Accepts the spelling and moves on to the next spelling error.
    • Ignore All: Accepts the spelling and ignores all future occurrences of the word in the datasheet.
    • Add: If a word is not recognized in the Microsoft Office Dictionary, it is marked as misspelled. This command adds the word to the dictionary so it is recognized in the future.
    • Change: Changes the spelling of the word to the spelling that is selected in the Suggestions list.
    • Change All: Changes all occurrences of the word in the datasheet to the selected spelling.
      Check your Spelling

    Most databases contain names, addresses, and information that spell check may not recognize. When this happens, either click Ignore to ignore the spelling correction or Add to add the word to the custom spelling dictionary.

  3. Click OK.
    Check your Spelling

The dialog box closes.

Access cannot catch spelling errors that occur because of misuse. For example, if you entered the word “through” when you meant to type “threw,” Access wouldn’t catch it because “through” is a correctly spelled word.

The AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects commonly misspelled words for you as you type. For example, it will change “hte” to “the,” “adn” to “and,” and so on.